How to Turn Dog Walking Into a Meditation Practice

How to Turn Dog Walking Into a Meditation Practice

Starting a meditation practice, or developing new directions for an existing practice, can be challenging when you have a lot of commitments in your life. One strategy is to look for ways to incorporate meditation into your already existing daily routines. If you walk your
you can start a walking meditation practice and your dog can actually be your meditation instructor.


Practice mindfulness while walking. Mindfulness means being in the moment without ruminating about the past or trying to plan out the future. Start by focusing your awareness on the physical experience of walking. Feel the ground under your feet; be aware of body sensations; notice how the air feels on your skin.


Pay attention to what you are thinking about. Whether you're planning a grocery list or prioritizing your work tasks for the next day notice this and let the thoughts go. Gently return your attention to the experience of walking.


Watch your dog for pointers on mindfulness.
do not ruminate about the past, nor do they try to figure out the future. A dog on a walk is completely focused on the task of walking, which means absorbing as much of the experience in the moment as possible. Your dog will not miss much along the way. He will notice every squirrel and chipmunk, every sound, every smell. All his senses are completely engaged in the business of going for a walk.


Introduce a deep breathing practice. Inhale deeply and slowly, and exhale slowly and fully as you walk. Concentrate on your breath flowing in and out. Alternate several of these deep breaths with normal breathing.


Experience your surroundings. Look at the plants and
, the colors of the leaves, the quality of the light, the sounds of the birds and the insects. Combine this with your deep breathing practice by inhaling your experience.


Observe your dog again for more tips. Your dog is definitely incorporating a breathing practice into the walk. Blades of grass are noticed and scrutinized, and the experience of that moment is inhaled deeply and fully. By experiencing the world through the breath, your dog is living very much in the moment.

How to Treat Wounds With Herbs

How to Treat Wounds With Herbs

Kids are always getting into something and coming home with new cuts and scrapes. There are natural remedies that can help ease their pain. You've probably heard that every kitchen should have a pot of aloe on the windowsill. The clear gel is perfect to treat a cut. But lemon and apple leaves work, too. You can also use marshmallows. That's right, they're not just for s'mores anymore.


Cut open an aloe leaf. Aloe contains various compounds that reduce inflammation, swelling and redness of wounds. Apply the clear gel directly to the wound to relieve pain and itching. As a rule of thumb, use aloe gel on wounds that don't require stitches. Don't use it to treat deep wounds that need stitches.


Mash marshmallow roots and apply the gel directly to the wound. The spongy material in marshmallow roots is called mucilage. When the mucilage comes in contact with water, it absorbs the liquid, swells and forms a soothing gel.


Crush some apple leaves. Usually pectin is considered the apple's major medicinal component. But the fruit's leaves contain an antibiotic called phloretin. If you cut yourself in an apple orchard, use apple leaves as immediate first aid. Crush and apply them to the cut or scrape until you can wash and bandage it.


Make a lemon compress. Lemon balm contains chemicals called polyphenols that help fight several infection-causing bacteria. To treat wounds, make a hot compress using 2 tsp. leaves per cup of water. Boil for 10 minutes, strain and apply with a clean cloth.

How to treat toe fungus

How to treat toe fungus

Do you have toe fungus? Are your toe nails yellow, cracked, and eroding? Here is a simple at home solution!

Things You'll Need:

Listerine Mouth Wash

Tap Water


Take the cotton swab and apply the mouth wash to the infected area


Let it sit for about 10 minutes or less.


Rinse with the tap water.


Dry the area completely.


Repeat all four steps until infection disappears and the nail begins to grow back normally.

Tips & Warnings

This method also works great on fingernails too.

Make sure to swab on top of the nail and underneath the nail rim.

How to Treat Rubella Naturally

How to Treat Rubella Naturally

Rubella is normally a minor communicable disease characterized by a pink-red rash. However, it has an 85 percent chance of causing birth defects when contracted by a woman in her first trimester of
. The vaccine for rubella was developed in 1969 and today 91 percent of the population in the United States is immune. The following steps will show how to treat rubella naturally.


Provide supportive care for most cases of rubella. No specific anti-viral agent currently available for rubella and it usually resolves by itself. Specific symptoms should be treated individually.


Administer acetaminophen or ibuprofen to reduce fever. A cup of tea can be made from 2 to 3 tsps. of white willow bark for a similar effect. Medication that contains salicylates should never be given to a child because it can cause Reye's syndrome.


Encourage bed rest for cases involving severe arthritis of weight-bearing joints. A non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drug such as ibuprofen may be given for arthritis or joint pain. A standardized preparation of hay flower containing about 0.4 percent coumarin may be applied externally for joint pain.


Maintain adequate fluid and electrolyte levels for patients that develop encephalitis.


Take vitamins and minerals such as A, C and E in addition to quercetin, selenium and zinc to maintain the immune system. Quercetin is a bioflavonoid with anti-viral effects but no clinical trial has specifically investigated its role in the treatment of rubella. Elderberry also has been shown to have anti-viral properties.

How to Enhance the Visual Sense Through Meditation

How to Enhance the Visual Sense Through Meditation

According to "Hands of Light" author Barbara Ann Brennan, having access to information beyond normal perception can greatly enhance the healing process for energy workers. What follows is Brennan's method for improving your visual sense of perception. Read on to learn how to enhance the visual sense through meditation.


Learn more about your preferred method of processing information, thoughts and feelings. Discover if you learn best through reading, lecture or doing and if you think in words, feelings or pictures. Answering questions such as these will provide clues as to your preferred method of exploring the world around you.


Sit in a comfortable meditative position with your back straight and center yourself. Follow your breath. Close your eyes and feel your breath as it flows in and out of your body. Visualize yourself literally following your breath into your body to its center. Repeat the reminder "Following breath to center," periodically to remain focused.


Focus on the inside of your body (various body parts and organs). If your preferred sense is vision, look at the parts you are focusing on. Likewise, for those tending to be tactile (touch) you may want to touch the parts you are focusing on. Finally, auditory processors can remain focused by listening to their breath or heartbeat.


Look at the inside of your body. Use your preferred sense to help you during this exercise to get a good picture of it.


Repeat the above exercise with the room you are in. Start with your eyes open, examining the room then close your eyes and see a picture of the room in your mind's eye.


Continue the exercise by going to an unfamiliar room and beginning with your eyes closed.

How to Wear Hats

How to Wear Hats

Hats are often worn out of necessity, but wearing hats as fashion accessories takes courage. The secret is to choose the right hat and wear it correctly and with confidence. The following will help you to wear hats without looking or feeling ridiculous or out of place.


Choose a hat that fits your face and complements

color. For instance, a person with a long face shouldn't wear a hat with a lot of height, but a person with a round face will look good in a tall hat. A person with ruddy cheeks will look good in a brown hat.


Restyle your hair. For most hats, it's best to pull your hair back or let it hang down without styling it around your face. A sure route to "hat hair" is to
style your

the same way you do when you're not wearing a hat.


Wear the correct size. Your hat shouldn't come down over your ears or fall off every time you tilt your head. It shouldn't give you a headache or leave a red mark across your forehead when you remove it. If you have to fuss with your hat, it's probably not the right size.


Tilt your hat. Sun hats are meant to be worn on the back of the head; fedoras should be worn down over the eyebrows. Berets should be worn on one side. If the hat you're trying on doesn't look right, try it at a different angle.


Match your hat to your clothes. A fedora will be out of place with a sundress, and a sunhat is inappropriate in winter.


Decorate your hat. Put a pin in the band or use it to attach the brim to the crown. Add feathers, flowers or ribbons.


Choose the right hat for the occasion. Sunhats and western hats are meant to protect your face from the sun, but they aren't right for going to concerts or movies because they might obstruct the view of those behind you.

Tips & Warnings

Putting a little hairspray on your hair will keep your hat from slipping.

A hat is a wonderful thing. It keeps you cool in the summer and warm in the winter. Remember this adage: If your feet are cold, put on a hat.

How to Wear Green

How to Wear Green

Have you discovered the color green? It comes in so many shades and intensities, there are sure to be some that look great on you. Add some touches of green in your wardrobe and enjoy its versatility.

Things You'll Need:


Khaki skirt or pants

Green silk blouse

White tank top

White blouse

Green tank

Green dress

Green eye makeup


Explore the range of greens that exist, from soft moss greens to bright emerald greens and from light olive greens to dark forest greens. Also consider greens that are more toward turquoise for a soft glow. With so many options, there are likely several tones that will appeal to you.


Decide which shades of green suit your coloring. Some greens have more of a yellow undertone, while others lean more towards blue. Hold up different colors against your face to see what makes you glow.


Opt for khaki green pants or a skirt if you don't like green against your face. This shade can serve as a neutral backdrop that will make almost any other color look great.


Pair a green top with black, navy, royal blue, tan, brown, white or denim. Depending on the shade green you select, there will likely be many options that will be good complements.


Wear a rich emerald green blouse open over a white tank top for a pop of brightness that will help light up your face. Or, wear a white blouse over a deep olive tank to give a nice contrast that will add interest and depth to your outfit.


Select a deep green silk dress that will be a stylish choice for almost anything.


Invest in green shoes, a green purse or green jewelry to add some color to any outfit you own.

Tips & Warnings

Play around with colors. Try pairing green with yellow, bright blue or red to get a more playful effect.

Incorporate green into your makeup routine. Look for bright green eyeshadow or eyeliner to add drama to your face. Or select green mascara for a hint of color without going all the way.

Be careful when pairing different shades of green. Some work well together but others can strike an off note. If you aren't sure whether you have a hit or a flop, always check the match in bright outdoor light to be sure you have the right balance.

Avoid greens that don't compliment your face. These can age you or make you look sick.